r&r cluster, now it won't start, need help

yes, I hooked up the ammmeter, i'll pull it again but I took a picture, red on the right, black on the left.

headlights do work

Does it have a neutral safety switch? I tried to start in every gear but no change

The NSS is on the transmission. But you said:

got directions that stated to drop the column and I did...........The column turned to the right and went down a little................. now it doesn't start. .............

2 fuses are hot all the time and the rest are not powered no matter which position I put the key.

Also my steering only locks to the right. I can turn it to the left and it locks but allows you to turn left further just not right. Is that normal ................

I assume that by "not starting" you mean it does not crank, IE does not turn over?

The thing about the fuses seems to indicate a wiring disconnect. Do you know if the additional fuses worked BEFORE you removed the column?

You may have multiple problems, IE speaking of the hacked up wiring, the dead fuses, and the way the switch seems to work.

Look at the bottom of your fuse box. Find the BUSSES where the 2 fuses and the 3 fuses are jumpered together. These are the power coming IN. One buss is always hot from the ammeter, the other buss is ONLY hot when the key is in either "accessory" or "run."

The way you describe the action of your ignition switch does not sound correct. There should be a definate lock position, BUT

In moving the column around you may have screwed up the linkage. There is a transmission lock linkage that is supposed to prevent you from locking the switch except when the transmission is in "park." Also, you may (probably did) change the relationship of the column to transmission linkage. There is an adjustment

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You can thank AbodyJoe for the 72 manual

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Also here are simplified, sometimes easier to follow electrical diagrams. NOTE these are not always complete with all options, they do not show all the connectors, and are sometimes in error
