WOW Stolen Cuda found

How high on their priority list do you think law enforcement ranks this? Unless the original owners have a lot of pull I doubt there will be any form of investigation. I understand that the statute of limitation may be preventing cops from moving forward but whoever the local DA is should be able to bring it before a judge for a ruling on whether or not police can proceed. If the judge rules in favor of the limitation statute the cops should still be able to check out the person listed as the seller on the bill of sale. Where there's smoke there's usually fire.

If it's found that the 'seller' is involved in similar nefarious deeds I would think that all damaged parties would be allowed recovery of stolen goods.

But as I stated before if none of the powers that be feel the urge to investigate further, the real owners are screwed.

- And as far as the guy that presently has possession of the 'Cuda... It sounds like he's a real piece of work. Unless he's squeaky clean I'd like to see him prosecuted for someone receiving stolen property or for aiding and assisting in the original crime.