Wow!! Temps were you are today

I never shovel snow... EVER!!!

I'll take these temps over bitter cold/snow where you can't drive anything nice for 4 months. I still wheel the Aspen around, no AC on 90-100 degree days.

Lots easier to work in a pair of shorts, drinking plenty of water than wearing a snowsuit and mittens. LMAO.

I have a 32' x 40' garage in the back and kerosene heaters. No snowsuit and mittens while working on cars here.

During those "four months", we get to sled, ski, snowboard, snowmobile, go to malls and do doughnuts in the parking lots before they are plowed, build snowmen and snow forts, have snowball fights, and even get a snow day off once in a while. The nice atmosphere when you go out on a nice cool winter night and there is a snow flurry and a nice fire going in the fireplace. :D

No earthquakes, hurricanes, or wildfires here.... :cheers:

And I don't shovel snow either... I have a nice Toro snow blower that does a good job.

Oh yeah, WE GET FRESH DRINKING WATER FROM THE GREAT LAKES! How's that water supply doing in the Colorado River valley???? :pale:

And you really don't want to see me in shorts... Not until I loose a few more lbs....

Here is what it could look like if I lived down by you....

View attachment Fat guy speedo A08.jpg

So I would think that you would like me to stay in the "colder" climates where I'm more comfortable....