64 dart power top for convertibles

I am still trolling for the '64 dart GT convertible, to reconnect with my young life-- have posted here before about this. My one way back when had the cool power top, and I was hoping to find one with this feature. Some have had it but don't have the right interior color or engine, etc.

But then got to thinking, maybe I best remove that criteria because if there were problems with a power top and its 50 year old electrical/mechancics/hydraulics you could have a mess on your hands, getting caught in the rain if it won't work. Or getting stuck halfway up....

Two questions for the experts!!

Can a non functioning power top be raised by hand or do the hydraulics, etc, prevent this, that is if it's non fucntioning, for electrical or hydraulic reasons, it ain't coming up no way! so as much as it would be cool to have power top, am I better off in 2014 without one

Can a non power top be retrofit to be power one, w/ new stuff or refurbed old stuff. What kind of job/expernse is this to have done? It occured to me that the top frame could be totally different.


I am seriously relating to that '64 on ebay w/ the clean black interior... it's a non power one. Still would hope to get a slant put in.

Bob B