
I've always been more into the piercing end of things. With 7 holes in one hear, 4 in the other, a lip ring (October, 2012) and a tongue ring (August, 2013)... I'm running out of reasonable locations to pierce. lmao ;)

I have only 1 tattoo, but plan to get at least 2 more in the somewhat near future... I kinda have ideas for them already, with the next one I want being for Robert's (ramenth) and my son who will be here in a month (hopefully sooner). Either his hand or feet prints and his DOB from the baby book we're taking to the hospital with us to get stamped in. Exciting!!

I can say after having only 1, it's like piercings in my opinion... You CAN'T get just one and be content. lol

I got my first last year, the day after Christmas. My little brother, Kristofer was DOA in 1997. My mother carried him all the way to term, and when he was delivered, his umbillical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was gone when he was delivered. The doctors couldn't do anything to save him; it was too late. I was 7 when this all happened, too young to understand it, I just knew he wasn't coming home with us...

Now, being 21 in 4 days, I have absolutely nothing to remember him by; never saw his birth/death certificate, never saw his obituaries... nothing. So the tattoo it meant for him in memory and for giving me something "permanent" as a reminder of who he is instead of just that story as my memory.

It has helped, though, in getting more strength when people ask me why that name is tattooed on my leg. Being able to share what I have means something to those people, and it always means a lot to me.

He'll be 18 this January...

Robert took the pics with my phone as it was getting done, and the other one is from 3 days after. It was NOT as bad as I thought... Hence why I decided not to go small. I was thinking "go big or go home" if I didn't like it, I sure as hell wasn't getting another one ever! So I went in with exactly what I wanted and came out with an addiction. :cheers:

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That sweet ink. I wished mine would Finnish healing
It's amazing how ink brings people together and others like to lick the **** pot spoon lol