stock 5.9 gives big performance surprise

Why is that? just a v8 that needs to be removed right?
2 hours to remove out there in the junk yard is what it looks like to me. (more because I want to spin it and do a compression test before I bother)

They would actally have to give me $1,800 AND the motor for the truck.
I couldn't take it apart for only the motor, because it's a fairly nice 4x4 truck with nothing at all wrong with it.
My Brother tried to give it to me because he is buying a new Honda Interstate and riding off to have a life after our Mother and Father passed.

He was the one person in the family who didn't have other commitments and was able to give up having a life to tend to them during thier last years.
Couldn't work, couldn't go anywhere, no social life, because he was thier "live in" constant care.
Short version is that he doesn't need it any more, so he offered it for sacrifice to the my Dart.

The shot at freedom and to rediscover himself because he's had too be a care giver to his own parents,,bravo to him :cheers: