Post your favorite Mopar Myth.

Who can positively say why Chrysler Dodge Plymouth only put the gold pentastar on the right side front fender? Not a myth, but so many stories are out there. What is the truth?

as Paul Harvey used to say, here's the rest of the story

The pentastar was chryslers logo mark like the blue GM or ford oval. chryco wanted people to identify their cars as chryco products the stylists initially wanted the pentastar on both lower front fenders, the bean counters won out by saying it cost too much and only needed to be on the curb side where pedestrians would typically view the vehicle when it was paralell parked. the gold tone finish was to grab the attention of passers by. the initial pentastars were of pot metal that was chromed, and toned gold. these look really nice, later on around 1966 the badges started being made from black plastic with a stamped aluminum gold anodized insert. i believe 1971 or 1972 was the last year for this short lived tradition.

just my .02

( its not that bad, its only one hundred dollars )