67 Barracuda FB basket case-do or don't

So which parts should I keep an eye out for.The hard to find expensive things that will drive me or anyone else crazy looking for them and not make the car worth it.I could part it,but hate doing that because they will never make another new one.Even if the looks of the car don't do it for me someone else will love it and I don't want to be the one responsible for making 1 less decent buildable Mopar in the world.I can turn a few bolts and put fenders,doors and a hood back on it and sell it as a roller or with a stock 360/904 I have lying around.The guy told me he has every part that came off of it including the interior.With the car being stripped down the way it is would be perfect for me because I send em off to the blaster anyway.

My wife isn't exactly a car nut.She will look at a car and just say if she likes the way it looks or not.She said she likes the looks of the Duster we got her as well the Barracuda.The reason for building her a car is to get her more into the hobby and not nag me so much for ordering parts all the time.She enjoys riding around, but I want to build her one of her own.