Kelsey Hayes caliper bolts

Let's say for arguments sake, that this guy AlV looks into getting bolts manufactured, by whoever.
Would that guy be willing to up front say, $2,000.00 of his own money in getting the process going, in making specialized bolts.
How few of the things can you ever go about selling in the course of a year anyway?
I bet you 98% of the readers on this forum don't even know the difference between a shoulder bolt, and a regular machine bolt.
The only way i looked into this years past, as a machinist that does some small work from time to time, needed something done, that he didn't have the tooling for.
We got on the subject of these bolts, and he in turn inquired, on my behalf, to this other machine shop, as to the cost in tooling up to make them.
If you had to have a machinist individually manufacture a bolt from some other bolt, that cost would be absurdly out of sight, instead of having something made on an automatic screw machine, in quantity.

Time will tell. I'm not in it for the money.