tale of $5.28 wasted....

I think the pics may have uploaded. If anyone can look at them and see if the wires are going to the right places, i would appreciate it. I used large spade connectors to put in slots in case it isnt right or there is a problem and that way i can just take them out and no harm no foul.

No reason to do this at all, and you may be creating more trouble for yourself. As I've said many times, the brass spring contacts for the original IVR prongs MAY NOT BE making contact with the board traces after all this time. But you've created more work

Look at the left hand contact. Follow that trace up. I circled a screw. All you had to do was put an eyelet end on that wire and attach under that screw

Same with the far right contact. Follow it up to the stud / nut I highlighted

Now follow the trace off the middle contact, around to the left and up, to the 'X' This is a nice wide spot of copper you could have scraped a spot clean and easily soldered the wire right there

Additionally, (you might check) as far as I know, the tab /heat sink on a 7805 is same as the ground pin

Last, I cannot tell from your photo. Make darn sure the heat sink is not in danger of contacting any of the other traces. It appears to me that it is "on top" of them, protected only by the thin coating on the traces. There is no reason to mount that on the board at all. The mounting tab is ground, so if there's a clear spot on the cluster casting, that would be better