trans question

That trans has been installed for about a week now. Went out to move the truck yesterday and I noticed a little bit of trans fluid on the driveway.

Crawled under it and can see that there is a very small fluid drip coming out of the bellhousing area. ( dead center bellhousing ) Is it safe to assume thats the front pump seal leaking? Why would it start leaking after nearly a week of driving with no issues.

Its always parked in the same spot on the driveway so up until now its been fine.

I am concerned now over what I am going to get from the trans guy, I removed trans brought it too him and then installed trans. I had no issues whatsoever and I maybe had 3 hours in the entire job.

Converter and the dipstick tube were installed by myself. I filled converter with maybe 4 quarts of fluid and wiped a bit of fluid around converter collar and installed converter. I had no issues.

Converter was an exchanged unit.

I am in the automotive business and I know that no matter what it will be my fault no question cause the shop is there to make money and comebacks are not profitable.

Im not a trans guy per se. My only trans experience over the past 30 years has been removing and installing a handful but again I had no installation issues and I dont feel I should have to suffer on this any more than necessary.

Do these seals ever go bad after this short of a period of time, is it possible that the converter could somehow be leaking?

I would think if the seal has gone bad that whomever made the seal might step up to the plate but even as I type that I know that prob. is never going to happen cause again its never their fault.