Flake member alert

I am in a similar situation. I owe a few people here carburetors and or carburetor work. I've not been able to recover from all of the ice storm damage earlier this year. Then I totaled my truck. Then, Kitty lost her job. Then, we fell into foreclosure. Now we are facing bankruptcy. I THINK we may have worked something out on the foreclosure, not 100% sure yet. But we have been barely scraping by. I say all this because unlike the situation with Dan, I am NOT going to disappear. I have answered all emails or phone calls regarding any deals and my customers have been more than understanding. I could not afford to give a refund right now if my life depended on it. If someone wants to get mad and sue me, then I will just have to add it on the pile, but I am not going to avoid anyone or hide. I am right here, until and unless it gets to where we cannot afford internet access. And if it gets that bad, it will be really bad because that's how I pay what little bills I can pay now. We just thought 2013 was bad. I wish now we had it back.

I don't know whats going on with Dan, it must be a financial problem. Like I said before no need for me to be begging to get the hood or money. I PM'ed him before this thread telling him I would really like the hood but He could just refund the money if he preferred. It was his choice I think that was pretty clear. If he was in a bad place I guess I would just appreciate an honest hey dude don't have your money now and can't even afford to ship the hood.

RustyRatRod I think most of us have had difficulties in this new economy some more than others, I know I have. You're open and honest about it probably more than I would be. I respect the fact that you just lay it out there like it is.