OMG! Why?? 64 Dart monstrosity!!

The car doesn't have shocks on it so there's nothing to dampen the springs causing them to oscillate uncontrollably.

Even with the car running slow and idling, it would not "bob" like that with no shocks! I have been in a car, that had NO SHOCKS and the springs had some give, sure, but the damn thing, never "bobbed" like that, UNLESS you hit the brake awfully hard it would then, but still not almost touch the bottom of the front bumper to the ground "bob" like seen here.....

And it might have did it twice, this POS does it over and over as tho its got Low-rider crap going on with the suspension, like a Mexican low-rider does with the technical controls to do it altho i somehow doubt, this one has ANY of that in it!