Rocky Start Resto..

It has been some while since I updated this thread..

The car is out of the garage now but we have to bring it in occasionally to work on it. It may be just me but it seems that when the car is moved out..stuff fills in the void so when we want to bring her back in, I have to clean up that garage.

It was decided that we will not change her name to go with her new entry back on the road. Lefawnda it was and now will stay.

When I took the car to be aligned, the company had the latest in technology and the guy operating it was a MOPAR guy from way back. It was obvious that the front tires were too big but he had to get it closely in alignment before we replaced the tires to do another.

Still lots of problems with the darn stereo.

We couldn't make paint before the prom. I am very pleased to say that the car didn't overheat in the long line up and it looked kinda cool with it's temporary paint job. You see, I gave the kids some spray bombs and they "painted" it..

Pics of the car..

In the lineup for prom..this is a big thing...families and others wait to see what the kids show up in..from tractors to little type wagons, to helicopters to firetrucks..

We were told that the sub woofer box was too i looked up the specs and built a new one. Oddly enough, for the rear 6*9s , I was going to put them on a piece of plywood but my son wanted them to be flat ...for the installation screws to bight into something he had to make collars which were installed from underneath.

A few pics..

One person

Two persons

Marvelous how much room is in these :)

Well, we finally got the car out of paint jail..perfect except for a spot that was very apparent. Apparently, at the last moment, our paint guy saw a small dent in the car hood and laid down some filler. The next day he painted ..2 days later, it started to bleed through..he is redoing the bonnet this weekend.

Not a good pic..

So we have began to re tighten nuts and fix thing that pop up. Found a small nub on the engine block kept the headers from mounting flush so we could hear a "tick Tick".. and the normal odds and ends.

Till next time..