Around Town Car ****

Damn Karl! You had a real good day huh!

Yeah, that's what I was sayin'. They cruise here every Friday, I usually see about 20 cars there. Last night there were at least 50. I didn't charge my camera battery and only had a half charge thinking it would be enough, but it was a great turnout and I couldn't take pictures of everything before running out of batteries.

I still haven't posted the rest of the ones from the show that I had a full battery and ran out only 1/4 of the way through. There were many more cars at that one. I'll save those for another time. There was even a 22 or 24 Dodge there that was real cool! The owner started it up for us and it just puttered. It sounded like it was going to die, but that's the way that they were back then. You could use your belt from your pants on it if your fan belt broke, and it came with an oil can under the hood.