1972 Ford Mustang Mach I {R-Code} ~ "Feared by Mopar or Falafelled'

There was a "ford" builder in our town called "Mean Machines", we ( dodge boys) got wind of one of the first 351C's in town being built for a Mustang..

When it came out, after break-in,, part of our cruise was up a 3 lane city street that had lites every block..

In my Swinger, ended up in the Rt lane, him next left to me,, and the owner of Mean Machines far left in a 428 CobraJet, a nice green ranchero behind him, a Z-28 behind the Mustang,, and I don't remember what was behind me..

The lite went green, I hole shot em both, and when I looked in my mirror,, every-one was stopped mid block, with steam coming outta the Mustang.. I went around the block,, Long story short,, the mustang blew the flywheel going for 2nd, breaking the motor, knocked both fr fenders behind the wheels away from the body,, a piece went up by the owners knee and dented roof from the inside,, The Cobra-Jet had shrapnel, as did the Ranchero behind him.. The Z-28 cut a tire running over a pie-shaped piece of flywheel sticking outta the pavement,, and a local busines lost a plate glass window,,.

Only guy without a mark was me,, cuz I was ahead of em.. lol

a lot to be said for scattershields..

true story,,