73 dart sport duster v 74 door glass

This topic comes up quite A bit-- about door glass -- here is a quick visual reference for the differences:
here is what hollander lists: 73 dart sport glass is #4636
74 5 bolt holes #4636
74 7 bolt holes #3834
75-76 #3834
duster is the same;

as for the dart sport door 73-76 #2412a duster the same
door will fit 2 door darts minus the glass #2412b

just for reference the blue door is 74
the glass with the 2 metal clips is 74
single rod regulator (bottom) is 74
the other parts are from a 73

I did not do a detailed look at the doors but I think the door does not car which glass is used --as long as the correct regulator is used with the corresponding glass.