67' fastback Barracuda

Snake skin green sounds cool! I already know every inch of this car now I have blocked the whole thing once already and in the process of applying another coat of high build for the next go around. While on the subject of paint would applying epoxy sealer over the high build be compatible? Thanks for checking out my build

here's what i do super build polyester primer first. block that with 180 and discover any flaws you may have missed or maybe something that isn't right. fix those areas. now re prime with 2k urethane primer. block wet sand with 320. by now you should be close to perfect. if there isn't anything that jumps out. bothers you or doesn't feel right your ready for paint. if there is something, fix it. that's the drill. then i epoxy prime it to seal it. but i go one step further and paint the car black. that's right. single stage black, as if that were the final color. why because black shows everything. and what it shows. fix it. and if and when all you see is a straight black car. then block wet sand that with 600 grit. now its ready for what ever color you want. or maybe you like it by now in black. which means your done. or you seal it now and paint it the color you want. but now you have a straight and flawless car.