The Nats show pics.

Lynn Pappas really opened my eyes and kinda crushed me when she revealed the picture of Joe and Oldfield you posted in my thread was from a Holloween party (costumes / dressed up as 50's greasers) from back in the day. I really thought the picture was taken after a hard day on the racin' circuit in the early days......ya know, maybe Joe was hired for his work ethic, not his intelligence or social skills.

I was convinced she (Lynn) was Superwoman to be able to take what appeared to be a greasy, rough edged, rabble rousin', hellhaiser car guy and turn him into what now seemed to be a refined, well educated, articulate, professional engineer.

good for Joe's so good for Lynns. (at least she can scale a roof, you know, for maintenance issues anyways)

good thing they didn't dress in drag for that party....just say'n.