Dogs & pills....

Chunks of hot dog, a chunk of peanut butter, they sell things called pill pockets that work great, too (like a moist/soft doggie treat shaped like the rubber cup that goes on the end of a cane or some such - you tuck the pill in and pinch it closed and feed it).

Our Pekingese (RIP Princess) was so greedy, you just had to hold the pill up, wait for her to open her maw and drop it in...if she missed, half the time she'd pick it up off the floor and eat it before you could retrieve it again for another try. (Didn't work for the capsules - they would get sticky when they got wet)

Worst case, you pull their lips back until they open their mouth, drop the pill in, close their mouth, hold it closed and stroke their throat front to back until they swallow...they get smart and will fake swallow, then spit it out (I think they call that 'cheeking' in the asylums ;-))