Plum Crazy color ?

When I was buying mine I had to search for a shade of it I liked. Different manufactures PPG, Dupont, etc... they all have different shades of it. Even though they are supposidly mixed the same.

Myself I like the deeper purple color instead of the more pale or pastelly one. What I found out is the size and amount of metal flake that is in the mix made this difference.

The 64 A100 pickup that I bought is "Plum Crazy" at least that's what I was told the color is? But it seems to be a dark version (less silvery ,less metallic) . So I have no idea what companies paint was used, or if it really is plum crazy.
You know that lowes can match house colors with some type of color scope. Do auto paint suppliers have some type of paint color scope ?? or maybe it's some kind of paint scanner.
I like the darker color. But might be tough to match. Without knowing what it is for sure.