Cinnamon 75 Duster \

I haven't accomplished much, so this is more of a log entry...
I've continued to search for leaks in the cowl area and have found a couple more. The worst was where the flanges of the side panel come together with the cowl and firewall. I had gone over all of these with seam sealer when the dash was out, but I never dug the old stuff out from between the flanges, just cut the gobs from corner. The main spot was right under the cowl drain. Resealed it with Blackjack neoprene this time. I checked it again after Really heavy rain and the side was good, but I think I have similar problem near center of cowl. I might try digging sealer out and replacing from the engine bay side if I can do it without trashing the paint.

While hunting leaks I pulled the cluster and found the speedo cable end is cracked. So will need to replace that.

I also tried replacing the leaf spring bushings. That was a disaster.. snapped one of the studs on front hanger on passenger side and one of them on drivers side shackle. The bushing set I got over a year ago turned out to be wrong, front is for 1.5 inch eye and I need 2". Also not sure about the bolt size. Mine is 9/16 and the 2" kit I found details on show it as 5/8. ?? So far I have not been able to get the pass side eye bolt out of the metal sleeve, so may need to cut it.

I still have one big rust out to repair in front of drivers side rear wheel. I cut the rot out of it last weekend. Will need to pull seats and interior panel before I weld a patch in it so nothing gets lit up.

Will need to round up some parts as soon as I can get a few bucks available. Was out of work for a while, but got a good new job now. Things are going in a good direction again. O:)