First engine build.

After a long break from the build I finally got my heads back and some more of the parts for the build. I installed the comp chain set and it was a little on the loose side. Not bad but when I ordered the kit it was the 3203 which is not a double roller. I thought about doing a tensioner, but decided to go with a cloyes 9-1103 first which is a double roller. It was a little tighter and should stretch less so I ran it as is, no tensioner.

I degeed the cam and it came in at 104.5, cam card was 106. I will run that as is also.

I did learn two things, don't run the summit cheap stock pan, it fits terrible. I got it to work but a new pan should not take that much cussing. The second thing I learned is to check the pickup on the oil pump before you inspect pump. I inspected and cleaned pump and then when I tried to put pickup on the threads were undersized. I ended up running a tap on the pickup and the pumps also. It was a melling pickup and I took a lot of metal off. I would of returned it but I bought it so long ago I could not return it. Lessons learned, dry fit first and don't start and stop projects if you can. Anyway it is getting there.