Can you identify these?

these may be trim clips but let me offer another thought. my 68 barracuda uses similar clips like these to hold the heater and vent cables to the heater control unit. your clips are not designed like the ones used on a 68 barracuda, however, they do look like the heater/vent cables would fit on one side of these clips. try to squeze these clips together like they were "snapping" into a panel and that might give you a clue as to where they go. also, spring clips like these either "snap" into a hole or they "snap" over top of a piece of metal.

i will say that i would have never been able to identify the heater control clips on my barracuda if they were laying in a box. fortunately, i have a complete parts car that i often use as a reference and that was how i identified the odd black spring clips that were holding the vent/heater cables onto the heater controls.

good luck