So, how much do you want for that trunk mat?


see, now you're post is exactly why i love using FABO as a resource...

i have two fastbacks - a 68 and a 69 but i have never owned a coupe or a convert. the fastback trunk is very small - i knew that part. however, i did not know what the original material and pattern was for a fastback mat. and if the fastback mat has never been reproduced, then that explains why i'm having such a hard time finding one.

you guys out there in "sunshine land" have all the great old cars and parts. i just can't believe that one of those "classic car" junk yards all over CA and AZ do not have an old mat in one of those stacks of plymouths.

if you get any more info about this unique and coveted mat, drop me a line.

thanks for the additional information.

jim c in plymouthburgh ... i mean pittsburgh