Car Bucking

Well had a chance to talk it over with a few guys at Moparfest this weekend and decided on a few things too start with.
Myself and Scott thought that maybe the engine was not getting enough fresh air too keep the fuel cool, that is if the fuel was boiling over. So off came the Shaker hood scoop which seals the hood all the way around it and only lets air into the carb, just a big whole in the hood for my run down the Hwy.

Took a bag of ice to put In the cool can if it started to act up. Only got a mile down the hwy before it started bucking again, so pulled over filled can up with ice and let it idle for 1 minute to see if it would cool down then got back on the hwy and no bucking at all, drove to the next town got off hwy and the back on in the other direction for 10 minutes or so and still no problems.
Looks like it will need a different hood scoop and a electric fuel pump.

Thanks too all for the help.