Shop payments?

Thanks for all the info! Maybe best to just save up
Tony, Not sure were in Indiana you are. I own a restoration/ hot rod/ fabrication shop in Indianapolis. I can tell you how we do it. We bill in cycles running from Wednesday to Wednesday. You will have an invoice Wednesday evening followed up with a courtesy call on Thursday to make sure you received your invoice and see if you had any questions. Your invoice will have the hours we worked on your car that week. weather it be 2 hours or 50 hours. In the past we have worked with customers on a fixed weekly budget. we would require a minimum of a 500 dollar budget a week. The would give us just under 8 hours of work on your car a week. Stop by the shop if for nothing else to take a look around. WE would be happy to give your a quote on your project.

A link to our facebook page.