confounded P/S Bracket need a second set of eyes eyes and your thoughts.

A lesson I am learning the hard way.

Truths be told at the time I could not find a 69 cover for the life of me. Posting want adds on the forum searching eBay and Craig's list. Even Tony D didn't have one. As far as I could tell they only repop'ed the 70+ cover so I settled for that :( I read on the forum that guys have used the later covers even though the timing mark was covered and used tape or even earlier timing bracket from a 67.

That being said I didn't see the looming pitfall with the P/S until now.

I've resigned myself to using timing tape for the time being.

What are my options for mounting the pump with the setup I have now?
I think the brackets I have now are from a 70+ Car. Are there other brackets I should be looking for?

I notice ed buchelon (however that's spelled) sells a modified pressure hose for this kind of thing. But can't tell if they sell bracketed that would help resolve my dilemma.

Anyone else run into this?