Awesome wife!

Most small welders come with the regulator anyway to run gas if you want or not. I have a Hobart Handler 140 and I use Flux core wire in mine at.035 ga. One of the main reasons I prefer flux core is you can weld in a hurricane if you want. If you ever weld with gas and just so happens a puff of air comes along, (say its hot and your near a fan?) Your weld will turn porous, look like crap, and you have to grind it off and reweld. I seem to get better penetration with fluxcore also. Most welders come with a chart on the wire door to give you a good starting point. The only extra steps I can think of is knocking off the slag and brushing it off. There is more spatter due to the nature of the beast, but it will get the job done and done well. Either way you cant go wrong with a welder, gas or fluxcored.