Up sh*t creek...

Unfortunately, the plug IS iron. Or at least steel, but I'm betting iron. In any case, it's magnetic, so that rules brass out. I've been hitting it with PB Blaster and then a BFH and a cold chisel, but so far all I'm doing is putting some nice gouges in the plug and not much else. As far as finding where the pipe exits the house, that might be easier said than done. We've got a concrete porch on the front of the house and most likely it exits the house under that porch. I would imagine we could probably dig up my wife's flower bed in front of the porch and see what we can find. We have to be careful, though, because our water line comes in right about in the same area as well. About how far down would it be buried? Thanks for the pointers!

Got a torch, or even a heat gun? If so, this is what I needed to get my 50+ year old (also iron cap on iron pipe) clean-out open: heat it with the torch, then quench it with penetrating oil. Do have a fire extinguisher handy when you do this! Let it cool, repeat. Took me 3 tries, but when I was done, it spun right off.

For reassembly, I wire-wheeled it to get all the rust off, spray-painted it with Rust-oleum, and coated the threads with (A-body relevance coming!) Mopar bearing grease. :) 9 years later...I put a wrench on it, gave it a tug, and it spun right off!