Up sh*t creek...

Well, here's a little update. I kept hitting it with PB Blaster, let it sit, and then attacked it with a large pipe wrench and a breaker bar about 3 feet long. I thought I felt it give, but when I looked it was still in the same spot. I looked closer, and saw that one of the corners of the square part the wrench grips on had crumbled away. Now I can't even get purchase with the pipe wrench anymore.

:banghead: :violent1: :banghead: :violent1: :banghead:

I think I'm going to throw in the towel. I talked to my mom, and I think she's going to loan us the money for a plumber. I don't want to screw anything else up. I've gotten some recommendations for plumbers down here from a couple of people. One of them was even mentioned by a couple people, so that's probably where we'll go. Thanks everyone for all the help. I think when our money situation eases a little, I'm going to go ahead and find the line in the yard and install a clean out that I can access outside.

Got a Dremel? What I did at my mother's house (after a previous owner attacked the clean-out with Channel-Lock knockoffs and rounded it)--get your biggest open-end wrench, cover the end with blue tape (if you care about not getting paint on it). Center it on the square thing, and hit it with a quick shot of orange spray paint. Using the Dremel, grind away anything that isn't painted.

When finished, slide the wrench on, and give it a good yank!