seller won't return my pm's

I have had great experiences buying and selling parts here
Although i have sold more than i have bought i just feel if your going to take someones money why not take the time out of your life and go ship the part a.s.a.p
I understand some people work hard and cant make it to the post office or shipping company right away thats fine maybe just state that to the buyer so they know it is going to take a few days or a week
I always say to my buddies that us mopar guys are are honest and stand up guys and gals
Lets keep it that way

Good philosophy. Both parties need to respect each other's commitment. Listing the part and it's true condition, communicating during the transaction, and even after the transaction regarding delivery and condition upon arrival.

When I did purchase on line, I used to ask for photos of the product just prior to packaging, ,an during packaging. I would then take pics of the package uupon deliver, and the product upon opening it so if there were any issues, there was no questions that it wasn't anything I did to the piece.

Also, I always insisted on insurance on the package, UPS will cover up to $100.00 if a package is not insured, but id the piece is worth more, you should ALWAYS insist that it be insured for the price you paid for it.