Need more money? (not some BS scam)

I don't know. It seems like ripping people off, and that doesn't sit well with me.

I hate flippers that are only in it for the money.

I like the car hobby with the true enthusiast that help each other out. Charge your car buddy a fair price or even give it to him.

I've been in this for over 30 years. Made some good friends who have helped me out.

I was working on my 67 Barracuda fastback once and pulled out the original 273 to install a 340 in it. Had the old engine out, and the "new" 340 in the air on the hoist transferring the motor mounts, and found out the hard way that the left mount does not fit. I called a local Mopar buddy, Hal who was 45 minutes away from me and told him about my "problem". He told me that he had the proper mount and to come on over. I went over to his place, and he dug one out of his basement. I asked him how much, and he said, "Just take it". I really appreciated that, as that was preventing me from dropping my engine in.

Later on I traded him a 340 six pack intake and carbs for a 340 block, crank, and 10 pistons with rods. I didn't want to ask him for any extra money for the intake and carbs, as he had done me a few favors (like the 340 engine mount and he once carried a NOS Challenger convertible quarter panel home from the Nats for me when it wouldn't fit in our car). We didn't worry who was getting the better end of the deal for each transaction, as it basically worked itself to be even in the long run.

I like the comradery of helping each other out more than trying to make a fast buck off of people. You make more friends that way. That's one of the reasons that I like the car hobby. The true enthusiasts are great people who help people out. I don't like the people trying to make a fast buck off of us, and wouldn't want to do it to someone else.

I was at the Mopar Nats about the 2nd or 3rd year when it first started out. A guy parked near us with a blue b-body with a 440 and headers was trying to change his starter. He was having a hard time getting the old starter out. I worked at a 10 minute oil change back then and was good at finding holes to get the parts in and out of. We struggled with the starter and headers for about 4-5 hours, but finally got it in and the header back on so he could drive it again. Unfortunately, I didn't get too much time to look around as I was helping him with his car, but I was good with that. He reached in his wallet and handed me $20 for my time and effort saying, "I couldn't have got it running today without your help". I was just glad to help him get his car running again so he could drive it. I never even expected to ask him for money.

I don't mind someone making a few bucks off of the parts, but to try to pull more money than it's worth is taking advantage of people, and I'm not like that....

I'm not talking specifically about cars here.

I am the same way about friends, cars and helping each other but all that is personal.
I'm talking about making a living or just a little more to get by on.

They are two completely different things.
So if they guy I mentioned in my post was in the space next to you at the swap meet and sold the same part you were selling and he sold his for way more than you were asking for yours, you wouldn't raise the price on your part then ?

You would feel like yours for less was doing some random person a good deed that they might appreciate?

The guy in the booth next to you would be paying his mortgage and groceries, and you would have a nice warm fuzzy feeling for dinner under a bridge somewhere.

Not trying to be a jerk embarrass you, or put you down in ANY way, but this is what my customers hear when they say what you said.
I grew up with what I think is the same basic beliefs as far as fair and helping others out, but NONE of that pays the bills does it. :-)

It's not like you are the only person to buy from, or the only one with something someone else needs.
Someone else WILL sell the product and the other person WILL make that money.
I'd just rather it was you or 805MoparKid, or any number of people that made it. :-)

Buyers have a choice, and if you would rather give the money to the other guy that will sell to them for more than you think it's worth, then there isn't much anyone can do about it, is there and we are wasting both of our time here. :pale: :D
(again the exact thing I tell customers that see it as not right)