Need more money? (not some BS scam)

I went to college to get a degree that I could earn a good living with.

Many don't have the college degree nor the good paying job. Many live within their means, but the retirement account is empty or they dream of sending their kids to college to get that degree so the kids don't have to put up with the "jobs" and get a career.

I do not feel it necessary to rip others off to support me and my family.

What's being described is a lot of what Rob said in retail.

I've owned two repair shops in my life. I buy from my vendors and sell for what I feel the part is worth. Many repair shops sell for list, less than list, or more than list.

I buy a typical front wheel drive hat style rotor for $25. I'll sell it out the door for $50 all day long, other shops might sell it for list ($75-$90) or two to three times list, as parts is what pays their overhead, while the labor is profit. That same rotor retails for $35.

Am I ripping my customers off for selling it more than what they can buy it over the retail counter? Am I just a greedy business man?

Is the guy with five guys out on the line ripping his customers off for selling that same rotor at $100 ripping his customers off when he knows that the $75 mark up is what's paying his techs, his utilities, his mortgage, his insurance, while he brings home the money he's paying himself and reinvesting back into his shop out of his labor charge? (Using the labor charge to buy newer equipment, putting money back to pay his techs during the lean months - it happens between Thanksgiving and tax return time or making sure the mortgage is paid during that same time period.)

I'm just asking.