Need more money? (not some BS scam)

Retail, I buy it based on what it's worth to me.

Man to man is different, at least to me. It's a gesture of goodwill to your fellow man to treat each other well. If the seller gets hostile if I ask questions and seems like he is only trying to gouge me, I pass. I admit it's hard to know and hard to quantify, you just hope the seller has roughly the same guage of what is fair as you do.

Not to take anything away from what you're saying, that there are ways to make money by thinking outside the box.

Yea, it is to me also (man to man) but isn't that a little hipocritical of us?
It's kinda like saying you can trust us unless we don't have to face you.
It's human nature to be more honest face to face, so it is interesting how that is isn't it?
I like to think I'm about the same with others face to face or not, as I am sure you are.

I like the "Here it is and one can purchase it or not" approach in business.
The phrase you used above "Retail, I buy it based on what it's worth to me"
This is exacly the point, as worth is a variable from buyer to buyer.
Something worth 50 bucks to you might be worth 150 to someone else out of impatience, lack of time to shop more or whatever the reason.

Here's a little scenario,
A guy's wife want him to find and purchase a new wetmop and he doesn't want to screw with it.
So he jumps on the internet and orders the first wetmop that comes up.
I want my wetmop to be the first one he sees (and I'm damn sure not going to message him telling him he can get that mop cheaper at Walmart.) :-)