Found some rust

In the drivers side foot well / floor pan.

I found this rust a few days ago and was waiting until I removed the windshield to see if I had any rust under the gaskets. Lucky I'm rust free around the windshield except a little bit of surface rust. No big deal there.

So, floor pan options. 1) replace floor pan? There is a clean one near me for sale for around $250. Or 2) since the rust isn't that bad and the floor is still pretty solid, a trick I did years ago on my buddy's VW Bug was to lay fiber glass cloth and use por15 as a resin. It worked great to hold his beater together but is it good enough for my car. It's not like anybody will see it but if I'm spending good money on this car...

If I replace the floor pan, is it actually welded in place? It almost looks like it's tarred in place. If I go with the fiberglass, I've used Chassis Saver and Por15 before with success, how well does Rustolium work?
