Dogs & pills....

Peanut butter worked once, then she figured out what that was about. Pill is pretty big, will not fit in a cheese stick.

If its a pill, crush it, if a capsule, open it, and mix the powder in the peanut butter or softened cheese. If you use cheese, let it harden slightly before you give it to the dog.

If you put the peanut butter with crushed pill in the dogs mouth, and smear it to the roof of her mouth, she will not be able to reject it, she will simply spend aout 5 minutes or so licking at it until it's gone.

Frankie, you have one of those Coon cats, I think that is what they are called, don't you? Ever have to give him/her pills?

Absolutely, I just crush them and mix it into her wet food, works every time. Twice a day, in fact, and has been working for about 4 years, now. It doesn't work with dry food, though.