Differential Contact Pattern At 500 Miles

Pinion bearing preload, the amount of crush on the pinion bearings, has an effect on the pinion depth and the pattern. Less preload=deeper pattern. It is important to have the pinion at the correct preload (turning torque) when looking at the pattern.

I put it together using the bearings with no crush sleeve, no seal, a spacer to take the place of the yoke and the pinion nut and washer. Tighten the nut until you get the desired turning torque. Do this carefully. Banging on it with a half inch impact and no crush sleeve with damage parts. Once you are satisfied with the shim packs, do a final assembly with a new crush sleeve and the rest of the parts. Tighten the pinion nut to the same turning torque, or maybe a touch tighter to compensate for the seal drag, and the final check of the pattern should be good.