Not enough patience for pics...?

Just curious as to why this bugs you??????

You also referenced in your second post that if you run into trouble putting something back together, sometimes you will look at other peoples pictures posted on the web. If they might not have taken the time to take pictures and post them, than you would not have been able to look at them to help you figure it out! LOL Just saying.

That was a big generalization I suppose, it bugs me not in a way that I judge the other person but in a way that I could never subject myself to that way of doing work, if I ever plan on undertaking a big project again I will do all my research and parts collection first and do everything I can to minimize the time I have with my car sitting in my garage taking up space and looking like an ugly pile of junk. I know of course things happen in life and there are many valid excuses for a car project taking years to complete but in general I find a lot of car guys don't put organization and preparation as a high priority. Just my observation though and you met me I'm only a young gun lol. Due to my current situation in life (just out of college, looking for my first "real" job, hopefully getting married within the next year) I don't see myself doing anything major with either of my cars (Jeep or Duster) anytime soon simply for that reason.

Second point you are right but come to think of it the internet is usually my last resort after looking at the first two things (books and FSM), I feel like I learn a lot more here reading explanations of theory and such than looking at pics of how stuff goes together. If you haven't noticed by now I'm pretty heavy on the text which is backwards of most people, it's less of a chore for me to explain something in words if I can than take a zillion pics and upload them to the web. Without FABO I would be nothing but specifically pictures are just nice to look at I find I'm pretty good at figuring out how things work and go back together just by taking things apart and holding them in my hands. That doesn't include modifying stuff which is a whole different story.

Guess I'll just settle on me being "different" ha :happy6: