Loud POP when tightening LCA pivot nut normal?

When I tightened down the LCA pivot nut on the pass side, before I got it torqued all the way, I heard a loud POP noise like something broke. I've looked around and can't seem to find anything wrong. Driver's side seemed to go fine. Only thing I can see that's concerning me is that the QA1 strut rod jam nut keeps loosening on it's own. It's loosened twice now in just 17 miles of driving. I do notice sometimes some sort of clunking noise from that same side in turns that are rough. One thing to note, I did have the strut rods tightened before the pivot nut was torqued. Maybe that was wrong and what has caused some sort of hidden issue. All suspension is new stock replacement other than the strut rods. I cannot see any cracks around the k frame hole either. I'm not sure what's going on but something doesn't seem right. Any thoughts here?