Not enough patience for pics...?

I keep my iPhone on me at all times so it is quick and easy to snap pictures. They may not be absolutely the best quality but they come out pretty good. I have also taken a bunch of pictures to serve as references for putting stuff back together, particularly when it came to taking apart the wiring harness under the dash and many of the small details with the engine (various mounts and linkage). I actually wished I took more reference pictures because a couple of times I came back to reassemble something and realized I forgot what particular screw or bolt should be used.

Same here. The phone is always on me.
My phone connects to the Bluetooth speakers in the garage. Best thing ever!

Serves as my tunes, and hands free, so I can answer and make calls even when I am under the car. And it's always with me when I need to take a snapshot.

Those pictures have served me well. especially when I don't get back to reassembly for a few months.