Difference between the RAM 2500 and 3500.

Not looking at any other brand. Have had great luck with my RAMs.

Wasn't sold on the duel wheels...my wife is the same. Thanks for the insite.

In Canada...I think I am looking at 50K plus for a 2wd.

Hopeful, no snow is in our future so I am not sure the benefit of 4wd. Didn't have it on my first RAM. We are looking at trailers in the 7500- 8500 range. I think I have been talked out of a fiver..

We will probably be buying in the mid states... are RAM dealers there allowed to sell to Canadians ? I know that the states that run along our border and not allowed to with the threat of losing their dealership..

I cannot purchase this year so we have time to explorer and plan,,,,.
