Difference between the RAM 2500 and 3500.

Always refreshing to run into a salesman now and then that knows their stuff but
in more than 30 years in the car business my experience, by and large, has been
that salesmen are just one step up the evolutionary ladder from the ground squirrel.

You sir, are just being polite :)

To tell you my situation, depending on whether my wife is employed in April, 2015 we will be working on selling our house. We figure that will take 2 years. We than want to get an apartment and head out on the road for @ 8 months. We want to wonder down through the states but to really explore New Mexico, Arizona and visit a cousin in Texas...maybe wonder over to California. I also want to do the Alaskian highway.. trying to develop a bucket list of sights.,.

From then on we probably be in the states most winters until I no longer able to drive.. which isn't easy for me at the second.

I think we have tossed the idea of a 5th wheel and are liking a 28 to 34 foot TT..we will also be traveling with 2 beagles.

Hence the questions... I suspect my 1500 could pull but I want a decent buffer...and my truck is an '06. With that much driving, we want something newer..

I really appreciate your comments...my wife and I discuss them..

Thanks !

I found I cannot believe a word that either a rv salesman nor car salesman says.. you know the old joke...how can you tell if a "Insert type of salesman" is lying ? His lips move...