M2 new castings

...I've not seen it at Wal-Mart locally, as the closest one is across town from e....SO, $100? for it? WOW!

no they are about $16 each hauler.

the $100, was a quote from my 8 year old who says this as we are at the checkout counter of the local hospital ER, after my 7 year old gets the bright idea to put my 2 year old on the exercize bike. im sure you dont need anymore detail as we ended up in the ER with his foot hurt.

so the lady says well, your copay today sir is $100. so my little smartmouth pipes up and says, its not so bad its only one hundred dollars. my wife thumped her on the head and told her to shut up, then verbally whaled on her in the car.

i told her i was going to teach her the value of a dollar, since she is a smartbutt and said she already knew. well she gets to pick up the dog **** in the back yard now at a dollar a day for the next 100 days. then i am going to fan out 100 singles so she can see the fruits of her labor every day picking up smelly dog poop. and then tell her thank you, i will be putting this towards the hospital bill.

when she said that i was livid, i break my *** to make sure my kids have everything they need. and that they are happy. i planned on using that $100 on something else. so i said F@@K it, and blew over $300 on parts. yeah, its not that bad its only three hundred dollars LOL (gee do you detect a hint of sarcasm)


so just remember, its not that bad, its only one hundred dollars