What paint to use for tail lights

Hi Todd,
I have a 73 Dart Swinger with 71 bumpers and just recently repainted all the silver trim on the tail lights. I researched it and ended up going to a hobby store. I used Model Master -Silver Chrome Trim #2734 (enamel paint) and it cost around $5.00. It has already been out in the rain for a 3 hr. jaunt and I had no problems with it running. The #'s on the 1/2 oz. bottle (goes a long way) were 7561127340 between the barcode ends. I also used a regular size Microbrush for the trim (also got at hobby store) and it worked great. You get 10 green plastic applicator brushes in the pack (about $3.00 or so). As it says on the package, the brushes are also excellent for precise application of adhesives and solvents too. A nice steady hand and it will save you a lot of taping. As far as the black areas, mine were fine, so you'll have to see what works best for you. Hope this helps and Good luck!!!! Any questions, let me know...
All the Best,