Degenerative Disc Disease

Anybody dealt with or knows somebody who has dealt with the laser spine institute ??

We have some sort of Laser Spinal Surgery place here in Spokane...or at least we did. My Doc advised me to stay away form them. He said that they data they spew on there TV commercials is a bit skewed in there favor. He told me that while they do have a lot of success there claim of 95% or whatever they claim is not really accurate. I talked to a neighbor that was treated by them. He is in his mid 50's and had done labor type jobs his entire life. Just after the surgery he felt great. Got off the pain meds entirely....until another disc finished "wearing" out....then he was right back on the meds. While this no fault of the surgery it is a fact of life...if one disc is worn out to the point that you have ddd/stenosis chances are they all are. There is no magic pill here.....