Common Procomp crosswind intake manifold problem.

Generally when I buy something and it doesnt work I return it.

But up a few threads you have guys saying the authentic Eddy intakes have similar issues as the chinaman part.

We see this same back and forth about cast Eagle cranks.
Some guys say they are crap and cant hold 3,000rpm or 250HP
Others say they spin them to 7,500 and 700hp for 70passes.

I dont know

First of all.. who says it's my part going onto my motor? maybe it's an unfortunate customer that didn't read this site either and now wants me to fix it for him...
Second , not only am I saying that this is a problem but I'm also showing some evidence of the problem instead of the usual he said, she said unverifiable babble that usually gets thrown around when these discussions come up.
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