22 ammo anyone have it yet??????

I'm always looking for ammo.I have an edge.I'm a diesel Dummy and go to many different towns.I stumble on rare stuff all the time.I have a boat load of 9mms and .22 shells.I don't own a 9 mm weapon.You have to get to these stores as soon as they are open or at Wally world 0700

Again, we've got one guy sitting on 20K rounds of .22 and Bigdummy sitting on 9mm even though he doesn't own a 9 mm firearm.

I only partially blame the buyers of ammunition though, if there wasn't a persistent fear that ammunition was going to become unavailable than people wouldn't feel the need to horde. Once again it appears that Obama is both the best gun salesman and ammo salesman in the US.


Joe Dokes