Your opinion on equal length spark plug wires?

Equal length, i thing you get now, wasted effort HOW EVER A CHEAP SET OF IGN WIRE WILL HAUNT YOU FOR THE LIVE OF THE WIRE!

I bought a set of those cheap wires, had to keep spare wires and a volt/ohm meter in the car so when it would start back fire at the top end of the track i could ohm the wires and find the on the was bad and replaced it!

Finally bought some Taylor (brand name) spark plug wires.

Just installed them on my third eng and my last eng lived for over 20 years!

When these wire give me some problems, Bet your bottom dollar I will own another set!

look for wire that have a high Silicone content. if it said Silicone wires and don't tell you how much........there probably the same P.O.S. wire i bought to begin with.

There are plenty of good brands out there, these are the only one i have personal experience with.