tire to quarter clearance

I'm probably also going to slot out the spring pad saddle another 1/16" to slide the rear end back just a little more for insurance.

I am not sure that I understand what your plan is here, but it doesn't sound good...
Adding the spacer block in front of the front spring mount should be adequate.

Well my plan was to get as much clearance as possible in front of the tire. I figured that if 1/4" was enough, another 1/16" wouldn't hurt. In the spring pad (the one that's welded to the axle tube) there is a hole used to locate the spring bolt. If you elongate this hole you can move the differential back another 1/16". You could actually move it more if you slotted the hole more. But since you're moving the axle further and further from the spring center (pivot point) it probably wouldn't be smart to move it too much. So I figured a 1/16" would be OK. That would give a me a total of 5/16" clearance up front. The only limiting factor here is the gas tank. If you push the differential back too far you'll end up against the gas tank.
For some reason Mopar put the rear tire closer to the front of the wheel well. When you install tall tires it makes the tire look like it's sitting too far forward (not centered in the wheel well). So by moving the tire (differential) further back you accomplish two things, you make the car look better and you get adequate clearance for the bigger tire. Plus, IT LOOKS BAD @SS!!!!!
I should have some pics next week when I get the car off the lift. Just remember....I going for the old school 60s look which may not be easy for some to swallow!!